CdS 5nm, 12um 99.99%
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Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles / CdS Nanopowder 5nm
Purity: >99.5%
APS: 5nm
SSA: 80-120m²/g
Color: Orange
Cadmium sulfide are valued for their good thermal stability, light and weather fastness, chemical resistance and high opacity. As a pigment, CdS is known as cadmium yellow. CdS is used as pigment in plastics. nano-cadmium sulfide powder is used the amorphous silicon thin film solar cell and improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the thin film solar cell; nano-CdS as a photocatalyst, with stable performance, non-toxic side effects, no secondary pollution, safety, etc., Congo red, methyl orange, malachite green, methylene blue, Rhodamine B photocatalytic effect The decomposition of the effect is very good; nano CdS as fluorescent markers have many advantages, such as the narrow fluorescence spectrum, high luminous efficiency, the excitation spectrum than a single, adjustable luminous color, can be labeled multi-joint, having a good light stability
Cadmium Sulfide Powder / CdS Powder 12um
Appearance: Yellow-orange
Density: 4.826 g/cm3, solid.
Melting Point: 1,750 °C (3,180 °F; 2,020 K) 10 MPa
Boiling Point: 980 °C (1,800 °F; 1,250 K)
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal, Cubic
Solubility: soluble in acid very slightly soluble in ammonium hydroxide
Solubility in Water: insoluble.
Cadmium sulfide is the inorganic compound with the formula CdS. Cadmium sulfide is a yellow solid. It occurs in nature with two different crystal structures as the rare minerals greenockite and hawleyite, but is more prevalent as an impurity substituent in the similarly structured zinc ores sphalerite and wurtzite, which are the major economic sources of cadmium. As a compound that is easy to isolate and purify, it is the principal source of Cadmium for all commercial applications.
Applications: pigment in the chemical industry; photoresistors; optical-electronic pairs, photodiodes, solar batteries; phosphors. Single crystals of Cadmium sulfide are used for the preparation of optical devices operating in the infrared regaion of spectrum. Cadmium sulfide is a direct band gap semiconductor with a band gap band from 2.42 to 2.57 eV